The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.
(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
Happy New Year!
A very happy new year to you all! Thank you for all your support in 2018 - we're looking forward to a brand new year of learning, sharing, changing, and community in 2019.
The School for Change Agents
Do you have resolution to build new skills and gain new learning in 2019? Join The School for Change Agents! This free online course starts in May, and is open to all! More information, and sign up to join this energised community here.

The first rule of being a change agent is "you can't be a great change agent on your own", however determined you are. Research evidence links the kind of resilience that change agents need with strong social connections:

Rebels - people who don't follow the rules - can threaten 'command and control' type leaders. However, organisations that encourage rebels get better outcomes. Find out why.

You may be a rebel at work, but what kind of rebel? You can take this 30 question online test (based on evidence) to find out:

We have three Accelerated Design Events in London booked the #ProjectA collaboratives: Falls is taking place on 28th January, Mental Health on14th February, and Wellbeing on 5th March. Find out more in Lynsey's post:

Nursing Now England
"Thanks to the #LearningDisability nurses, I can finish my own story" Fabulous Peter's story here. Join us at an event on 29th January to help transform the way that people see the role and the value of #learningdisability nursing.
Are you passionate about nursing? Join Lou and other proud nurses to give a school talk to inspire children and young people to work in the NHS!
"It was the nurses that recognised Lucy’s needs, and those same nurses that helped Lucy feel safe. Nursing is an amazing profession" Have a read of Ambassador Dann Gooding's reflection for December here.

Want to know more about what being a #NursingNowEngland Ambassador means? Have a read of this article.

Ambassador Joanne shared her experiences of 'reverse mentoring' in her latest blog.
Ambassador Anna shared her latest thoughts on focusing on our futures in her blog.
This analysis from Nodexl gives a great visual presentation on how our campaign #FutureNursing is doing on Twitter this week.
Six strategies to stop overcommitting at work:

Actions that managers should take to stay resilient and prevent burnout:

Social prescribing offers huge potential, but requires a nuanced evidence base. Read the article.
How to care for a loved one who has mobility issues in this brilliant sketchnote by @Sonia_Sparkles.

This kindness scavenger hunt was designed by a teenager for a parent. The random acts of kindness principle is lovely.

Leigh celebrated her running achievements in 2018. It is great reminder for all of us to set goals, work hard for them, and most importantly be proud of what we've achieved even when the goals haven't been completed as we set out to.

Communicating in a complex world: it's relational, based on dialogue and needs a lot of thinking about. This blog explains why we need to shift our mindset about communications in health and care away from one-way broadcasting.

Leigh was invited to speak at the #HSJPatientSafety Congress last year about teamwork and communication in maternity services. You can watch the session here.

Helen is a big fan of the use of drawing, sketchnotes and graphics to communicate change. Here's a completely different and inspiring perspective on the use of visual communication:

So many problems happen in organisations and communities because we stereotype other people. It's only when we move beyond our assumptions about people and really listen, that we can find the shared purpose and shared valued that can unite us. Read more.

The liberating power of 'radical kindness'.

Strategies to speak truth to power at work, based on research on people who have created positive change by having the courage to speak up.

Social media is invaluable for learning, sharing, and collaborating - would you like to learn how to use it effectively? Sign up for #AllOurHealth with @JamieWaterall @AgencyNurse - there's loads of activity throughout February. More details here.

The new year is a great time to be thinking about innovation by building on what we know with new fresh mindsets. Here are nine rules of innovation from @tnvora & @Digitaltonto . Zoë particularly favours point nine: Collaboration is the new competitive advantage.

Fab post about how change takes time to achieve: it's the accumulation of consistent activity over a period of time. Very timely in the context of new year's resolutions when many are putting themselves under pressure.

Too often, we're quick to conclude that innovation 'doesn't work'. We need to shift our mindset from 'prove it' to 'let's figure it out'. Read more:

This is for the people who are deeply interested in scale, spread, diffusion of ideas, and innovations and/or network theory and influence. Read more:

The secret to organisational change is empathy. As leaders we should aim to help everyone feel like an active participant with something valuable to add. Read more.

Deliberately and purposefully transforming an organisational culture is a very tough gig. We can learn from people like Larry Sennwho has spent decades supporting leaders to shift the culture of their teams:

Is your organisation suffering from initiative overload? Here's some great advice for how to deal with it.

Over the years Helen has seen some brilliant new ideas about change/transformation emerge that have been dismissed, often because people other than the initiator of the idea take them too far. Here's a fascinating critique of Laloux's 'teal organisation'.

How to succeed at complex, continuous change.

This analysis of McChrystal's principles of 'inner and outer circles' in 'team of teams' principles is so relevant to transformation efforts in health and care.

This is the type of content we should be teaching future quality improvers in health and care so that they can support improvement in complex systems.

There's so much insight for health and care transformation in this article on complex system change:

Research shows that leaders from across the globe and across multiple sectors consistently face the same six challenges.

Helen is looking forward to the publication of 'Cascades' by Greg Satell in April. Read a free excerpt.

Learning and Development
Recent psychological research identifies a 'self-actualised' personality like the top of Maslow's hierarchy. Self-actualised people are able to connect with a comon humanity AND build a strong sense of self. You can even take a test.

Researchers examined 35 million job adverts to identify the most valued skills for future occupations. Creativity came out top, not just for traditionally 'creative' roles, but across the board.

What exceptional leaders are about:

The new edition of 'The Open Organisation Leaders Manual' is available.It's free, you just need to submit an email address.

Globally, one of the big directions in leadership development is powering up Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) based on people's affinities, needs, concerns, and/or interests, offering intense stretch experiences and strong developmental networks. Read more.

There's a myth that people in their twenties make the most successful entrepreneurs due to their energy, transformational ideas, and understanding of trends and markets. Research from Kellogg says the opposite.

Helen has pre-ordered Simon Sinek's new book 'The Infinite Game'. It's about how business leaders are constrained by their 'finite game' mindset, and he says more can be gained from an 'infinite game' mindset. This video explains what that means.

A canvas is a template setting out the things you need to do to plan/prepare for an important task. Here's a free collection of 100 canvases, everything from project initiation to building team trust.

And finally...
99 things that happened across the globe during 2018 that you probably didn't hear about: