If you’ve been frustrated by having to navigate stifling hierarchies to get the changes you know are needed, or criticised for being a dissenter, disruptive or even divisive, then The School for Change Agents is for you.
It’s more than just a school — it’s a platform for learning, and a community of people like you.
The dates of the live sessions for the 2019 cohort have been released:
- 16 May
- 23 May
- 6 June
- 13 June
- 20 June
All at 3pm UK time. (Please note there is no session on 30 May).
Recordings of the live sessions will be available, so don't worry if you're not available on Thursday afternoons - you won't miss out!
The School for Change Agents is the most widely utilised, popular skill-building programme for change in the NHS.
It is open to anyone from around the world, and offers:
- Online learning with study guides
- The opportunity to meet a community of enthusiastic Change Agents from all over the world
And it's free to join and take part!
So far, more than 12,000 people from all over the world have taken part in the School for Change Agents. External evaluation has shown that it makes a significant impact on ability to implement change at both organisational and individual levels.
In 2018, more than 800 participants became Certificated Change Agents. Will you become a Certificated Change Agent in 2019? We hope so!
We're looking forward to an even bigger and better School in 2019.
Join us - sign up now!
Follow The School for Change Agents on Twitter. Find the energised community - #S4CA