The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.
(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
These are the six ideas that have been identified for further work. Find out more, and get involved!
Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery
The participants explored their roles as social leaders and doing a bit of boat rocking, using principles from The School for Change Agents.
We've got some exciting activity coming up for the January 30 Day Challenge, which is about working with young people in schools to show them the opportunities available with a career in nursing.
Ambassador Peter Towns spoke about the programme at his organisation's cancer conference.
The nurse forum in Manchester was relaunched - it's great to see so much pride in the profession!
This children's book prompted discussion about cultural stereotypes.
A brilliant sketchnote showing the importance of offering patients a drink at the start of the staff member's contact with them.
Joanne Mohammed's inspiring blog is continuing to have an impact. It's great to see how the programme is connecting nurses, and reducing isolation.
A breaking the rules session in action!
Congratulations to Bev, who has been announced as a keynote speaker at the Royal College of Nursing Education Forum National Conference 2019.
Wellbeing is a website for people at risk of suicide, and for those supporting them.
Tips for dealing with stress in this brilliant sketchnote.
Are you adding to the plate or the person?
Research findings on why it's so hard to show vulnerability.
Don't let conflict fester: explore the issues together, allow yourself to be curious and open-minded.
Some brilliant to dos for December - simple acts of kindness for yourself and others.
More ideas for small acts of kindness:
Stories are a great gift: they remind us that we’re not alone, and they help to raise awareness, build empathy and togetherness.
Is it sensible to be sensible? Interesting reflections from Radio 4.
Leading Change
If organisations had a Chief Influence Officer, what might they do? Interesting speculation highlights key challenges for organisations, especially around internal culture, and implementing change.
When implementing change, emphasise what will stay the same; foster a sense of continuity, acknowledge success to encourage people to be a proactive part of the change. Read the post.
When we collaborate with formal rivals or competitors, we often get the strongest and most effective collaborations. Read more:
Kathryn delivered the annual Jo Cox memorial lecture. A recording of the lecture will be available soon.
Zoe attended a liberating structures workshop. We use many of the methods during Horizons' events; Zoe spoke about her experiences of using them in practice.
Helen ran a workshop with a big group of improvement leaders and change agents from across Scotland. See the slidedeck:
Helen did an Unconference as part of her session. This sketchnote explains what Unconferences are about:
Why a 21st Century Enlightenment Needs Walls - watch the lecture.
'People' aren't a single homogenous group - a brilliant sketchnote about diversity.
We need to reframe patient complaints as a way of gaining insight about the way care is provided - insight from Canada.
Developing our distinctive gifts as leaders:
The team had a workshop with J.Paul Neeley - here's his ABC list for design thinking.
Twenty ways to achieve digital transformation:
Ryhov Hospital in Sweden has seen a dramatic drop in medically fit patients stuck in hospital since new legislation led to earlier discharge planning, shared discharge records with community and a welcome home team.
Advice for writers, from C.S. Lewis.