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Tweets of the Week, 26th October 2018

The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.

(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).

The School for Change Agents

This sketchnote from Sarah Brooke shows lessons from NHS planning. We cover the key issues like change methods and complexity; the challenge of measuring success; and involving those affected in the School for Change Agents. You can sign up for the next cohort of School here.

Personalised Care

The team facilitated a virtual session for the Personalised Care Collaborative about creating a shared purpose. You can read key points from the session here.  

Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery

"Another thing which often happens, if being defined by my disability, being called 'the deaf nurse' or 'the one with the hearing aids' by both colleagues and relatives of patients." An inspirational blog by Joanne Mohammed an amazing Ambassador. You can read Joanne's blog here

Sign up for the second Men in Nursing and Midwifery workshop. 

Are you proud of being a nurse/midwife in Midlands and East? Would you like to create resources for the schools Jan 30 Day Challenge? Register to join us in building positive perceptions on Monday 12th November.

Lucy joined a celebration of Black History Month to celebrate the diversity and listening to inspirational narratives. 

"When you need a little motivation, just keep reminding yourself why you started". Read Vicki's blog on saying dedicated here

Paul Vaughan shared NHS England's work on GP nursing and transforming perceptions of nursing and midwifery with the NHS Improvement nursing improvement team. 

A thought for today and every day: "the dangers of going to bed". 


Our ability to grow is directly proportional to our ability to share. 

"It is comforting to think of our feelings as being within our control.... I believe the reality is more arduous and more luminous. Significant and enduring psychological shifts take time... when we do get the help we need, real change can become possible." Read more about a journalist's experience of recording daily gratitude here.

Leigh wrote a thread with thoughts about post-traumatic growth, and developing a 'can do' attitude.

Stories are powerful - and keep the world revolving. Live yours and don't miss out. 

Thoughts on building personal self-belief, and challenging self-limiting beliefs. Read the post.

Leading Change

Helen did an interview for Harvard Business Review on sustaining change which is published in their current issue. 

Many improvement programmes don't succeed because they are top down and no one assumes ownership. 

Spirit methodology is changing the way that we go about change: individuals and interactions over processes and tools; working solutions over documents and templates. Read more here

How to use reframing to tackle big challenges. Some great practical advice here

When we're trying to make change happen, it's tempting to hang out with the enthusiasts/advocates/ evangelists for change. Yet change occurs at the point of contact with the old system and we have to engage with it (and a wide group of people. Read more here

Who are the most influential people in your organisation? They might not be who you think. Read more here.

How should we improve our organisation? a) implement best practices b) redesign processes or c) reduce hierarchy? Thinking that any of these will bring improvement is wishful thinking if we haven't created the right conditions for change. Read more here

Old mental model of innovation: innovations are found and developed within an organisation. New mental model of innovation: we're open to new ideas from anywhere. You can read the IHI's new White Paper on its innovation system here.

There's such potential for Asset-Based Community Development to shift power in the health system and enable people and communities to lead for health. Here's a great report on "The four essential elements of an ABCD process."

Thinking Differently

New research findings: people at work no longer want face-to-face classroom style learning, but self-directed learning during working hours with access to information across platforms and devices. 

Technology is transforming the way in which we can connect, share and learn. Virtual connectivity offers massive potential to speed up change. However, changing an organisation - how it thinks and behaves is still hard and slow. 

"The burden isn't in the workload per se but in the complexity and demands of the workload which has lost its simple or routine breaks that allow recharge." Read more about the unintended consequences of delegation.

"The challenge is to distinguish sharply between the people who told us lies, and the people whose only offence was to believe them". Find out about an RSA lecture How to Be Right in a World Gone Wrong.

Do you struggle to know when to use a semicolon - in your social media and/or in writing? 


"How to take the power to influence and transform." This is the slidedeck from a talk Helen did this week.

Coaching can make a meaningful difference to diversity and inclusion in the NHS. The NHS Leadership Academy is offering an outstanding opportunity to NHS employees who are qualified coaches to join its (fully subsidised) coaching for inclusion programme. Find out more.