The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.
(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
We've extended the deadline to apply for our Diary, Event and Project Officer post to the 15th October. Apply here.
School for Change Agents
Our latest School for Change Agents newsletter features the story of a change agent all the way from New Zealand. You can read our newsletter here and sign up for the School here.
This is an interesting model which chimes with the School for Change Agents, it shows the kind of environment we strive to nurture for participants.
Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery
Our Ambassadors on Heather ward celebrated diversity with dishes from around the world as part of our 30 day challenge.
Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent (Head of Maternity, Children, and Young People at NHS England) showed her pride in her profession, recognising the great work of all midwives with her appearance on The Great British Menu on BBC TV.
Stephanie Massey has written an update on The Pride of Nursing, reflecting on the success of their first event for young people in education. You can read more here.
You can catch up on the latest news about building positive perceptions of nursing and midwifery here and sign up to become a perceptions ambassador here.
Rhian shared a quote from Carl Rogers that symbolises what nursing means to her.
Rosanna presented our shortlisted work "Improving sustaining workplace well-being using 30-day improvement cycles" on Thursday at the Association of Business Psychologists Conference. Find out more about the finalists here.
Catherine spoke at the Community Health event for the Kings Fund on Tuesday asking ‘How can communities play a key role in integrated care systems and partnerships?’
This week our team have been sharing messages surrounding mental health, baby loss awareness, inclusion and loneliness.
"There is always hope, even when life might feel bleak." Leigh shared a message on World Mental Health Awareness Day.
Rosanna shared Leigh's blog on mental health support at work.
What does it really need to be "an ally" for inclusion? You can read this beautiful piece with top tips and practical examples here.
Leigh is running the Royal Parks Half for Tommy's on Sunday in her son Hugo's memory. It's also during Baby Loss Awareness Week. You can donate to Tommy's, a fantastic charity which funds research to save babies' lives here.
Healthcare in South Africa: Lessons in History and Inequality
Simon Sethi visited South Africa recently. He has shared his reflections and the lessons he has learnt in history and inequality with us in this passle post.
An excellent set of nine design principles for the NHS which have been developed by NHS Digital based on the NHS Constitution. Here are numbers 1 and 2. Everyone and anyone who designs NHS services should use them. What are they? and How can I use them?
You can listen to an interview by Shane Parrish of Atul Gawande, the world's most significant social influencer amongst healthcare leaders.
We keep being told to "find our tribe" (a network of like minded people who share our goals) yet Digitalonto disagrees. He says tribes are echo chambers; we must go beyond our tribe (comfort zone) to find new connections. Leigh agrees: we need a spectrum of allies. You can read more here.
Sarah has created this sketchnote as a reminder that if used properly, tech should help not hinder life and work in the NHS.
Healthcare innovation: the extraordinary virtual multidisciplinary team meeting, across specialties and locations, to support patients with complex needs. Read more here.
Here are four ways to prepare your organisation for innovation.
Matt Hancock says we must replace the fetish for pilot projects with agile interaction in the health and care sector. Paul Bromford wrote a compelling piece with a similar message a while ago. Read more here.
Where healthcare improvement meets flow engineering science: a history of healthcare systems engineering in the NHS by Simon Dodds. Read more here.
How to change the world:
Research shows that a) when a committed minority reach a 25% tipping point, change can happen fast; b) when they have an unshakable belief, the tipping point is 10%; c) 3% of key influencers drive conversations with 85% of others. Read more here.
This is a great free set of facilitation tools for meetings and workshops. The methods are very well explained and you don't need to be an expert facilitator to use them.
An average speaker uses a fill word every 12 seconds. They diminish our credibility with our audience and distract from our message. We can train ourselves to stop using them, read more here.
Eight ground rules for great meetings: focus on behaviours, not processes or procedures. Read more here.
Leaders don't always step up to the plate and lead change the way they're meant to, There's often valid reasons for this. Here's an article in two parts that explains this: Part 1 and Part 2