The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.
(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
On Tuesday the fifth and final of the #ProjectA tweetchats was held - this one was about Thinking the Unthinkable - read the report here. The ideas platform is open until 3 September - there's still plenty of time to have your say if you haven't already!
The next stage of the project is a group of ambulance staff and critical friends will look at all the hundreds of ideas that have been submitted, and agree a long list that teams will be looking at during an Innovation Burst on 26th and 27th September.
Read about what happened in the fourth #ProjectA tweet chat, which was about partnership working across urgent and emergency care here.
Bev spent a night on board an ambulance with West Midlands Ambulance Service paramedic Claire and technician John.
Bev wrote a blog about her experiences on the ambulance - read it here.

Empowering People and Communities Taskforce
We will be running a tweetchat on fraility on Thursday 30 August. Join us between 8pm and 9pm to talk about how we can improve outcomes for people experiencing frailty.
Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery
How do we create change that works? Read more here.
Running a 'break the rules' session is the August challenge for the programme. Bev attended a session held by Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership.
Nottingham ran their own virtual hackathon this week as part of their involvement with this month's 30 day challenge.
Our nurse ambassadors for older people met to plan for their big launch on the 4th September.

Paul Vaughan, NHS England's Director of Nursing, Transformation shared this video for those who are thinking of becoming a general practice nurse. Watch it here.

How to ensure you're making reasonable adjustments which will especially benefit people with dementia, mental illness and visual impairment.
Ian attended coffee mornings in building Birmingham and Solihull CCG's values and OD strategy. There was a big push to put the patient at the heart of their values and behaviours.
Rosie and Leigh spent a day together planning our Comms strategy and using their learning from the workshops which NHS Comms offers. You can find out more about NHS Comms development opportunities here.
Leigh shared her thoughts on recovery from mental ill health. It's not linear, more higgledy piggledy ups and downs.
"Comparison is the thief of joy". Read more here.

New research shows a correlation between employee engagement and taking proper lunch breaks. Read more here.

Want to know what your superpowers are? Read more here.

Making change happen
If you want people to embrace change, emphasise what will stay the same as much as what will need to change. Read more here.

Re-imaging public services.

What's the difference between transformation and change? Read more here.

Here are the reasons that six weeks is the optimal timescale for improvement and innovation teams. Read more here.

You can read more about six week change cycles here.

"You can't make a difference until you decide to be different".
Improvement and Innovation
AI is the future but where are the women? Read more here.

Brilliant new technology which can identify specific cancers in less than a minute: huge potential to transform diagnosis, treatment, and save lives.
The importance of psychological safety and and how to build it into your team. Read more here.
John Hunt has created this great database of more than a thousand free resources on leadership. Read more here.
About 5% of the leaders share the perceptions of up to 90% of their colleagues in the leadership team. Read more here.
Make a nomination for the West Midlands Leadership Awards. Read more here.
Top tips for Brilliant Boards. You can read more here.

No matter where you are in life, you're never too important to be kind, be it making a cup of tea or getting someone some water.
A fascinating account about healthcare in Rwanda. Read more here.
How professionals learn for work. Read more here.

Another resource on how professions learn for work. Read more here.