The Horizons team features many influential Twitter users. This curates a wealth of insights, knowledge, and information about transformation in health and care from other thought leaders across the world.
(Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a tweet, click on the red text. To view the original tweet, click on the image).
What could help improve ambulance staff wellbeing? Dozens of people joined the tweet chat on Wednesday to share their ideas. You can read more about the 78 new ideas that were shared here.

These are the top voted ideas on the platform about improving wellbeing of ambulance far! You can contribute your own ideas here.

You can read David Morgan's reflections of the first two tweet chats here.

This week's #ProjectA chat was Ian's first-ever tweet chat; he reflected on his learning.

School for Change Agents
Last Friday, we ran a session for our School Alumni to contribute to the re-write of our White Paper and create a new era of change. Leigh has written a blog reflecting on what happened during the session.

More than 100,000 people have downloaded the original White Paper. You can read it here.

Transforming the Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery
Bev and Olly visited Dudley this week to help them break the rules - and see what 'permissions' they could give themselves to enable them to deliver better experience and outcomes for patients. Read more about breaking the rules.

There's still lots of energy about last month's challenge to write a blog - read Claire's blogs here.

Bev volunteered at the Transplant Games last weekend. This is a photo of Tara, who was competing - she had a liver transplant 21 years ago, and is now a neonatal nurse at the same hospital where she received the transplant. Are you on the organ donation register?

"We are not defined by our banding, but by our actions." These actions can lead to better patient experience and better clinical outcomes for our patients. What have you done? Share with FabNHSStuff and end the 70th year of the NHS with a bang!

Simon Sethi has been travelling the world to learn from other healthcare systems so that he can better improve the NHS. Read more here.

Social movements work by building networks and more about #ConnectingForGood
Do you know the signs and symptoms of Neonatal HSV? @Whatsinakiss has been set up by a bereaved mum after her baby son sadly died of neonatal herpes.

Did you know there are a limited number of Productive Ward box sets available?
Leigh has learnt to take a small step towards achieving her goals every day, celebrating the small wins, how far she's come rather than fixate on how far she's got to go, and goals can change anyway!
The best things in life are free!

Here are some top tips for staying well at work from Scriberia.

We underestimate the positive power of well written, timely, thank you notes. The impact they have on recipients can be more more significant that we anticipate. Read more here.

Research on the "beautiful mess effect": how we take a much more negative view of our own vulnerability than we do of other people. Read more here.

How well do you know your inner demons? It's key to understanding and working with others (none of us are perfect, we all have our 'stuff' - a little empathy goes a long way. Read more here.

Reading and research
New research on the impact of CC'ing the boss into emails. Even when it's done with a good intention, it makes colleagues feel less trusted and lowers productivity. Read more here.
The Jacobs model: a practical approach to building trust in organisations and teams. Read more here.

This blog explores the potentially negative impact of temporary staff on team performance. Helen thinks we need to think about solutions including leadership approach, induction and team building. You can read more here.

Helen shared this article in praise of 'management by wandering around' and some even more outlandish ideas for staying grounded as a leader in your organisation. Read more here.

Is your leadership role, practice and/or identity fit for purpose in a rapidly changing world? Leadership, Disrupted: How to Prepare Yourself to Lead in a Disruptive World

This is the first literature review Helen has read which is specifically about behaviours/attributes of leaders using Lean in healthcare. Read more here.

The failure rate of first time managers is reported to be up to 50% in the first year. You can read more here.
A simple way to get feedback as part of an evaluation approach at the end of your articles:

When we make a presentation people will judge us not just on content, but on our confidence and competence. We need to pay attention to factors like the way we dress. Read more here.

If you get in a pickle with the difference between there and their, this is a really helpful visual way to remember the difference:
Helen recently tweeted about goal setting - she chose "Pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it" as her personal goals and targets.
And finally...
Helen's cat, Rolf, kept disappearing for days at a time roaming the nearby Warwick University campus. She set up a Twitter account for him to get reports of his whereabouts from staff and students and to keep him safe - he's now appeared in The Metro - read the article here.